Assembler – 2nd shift
Call Becky for more details 626.561.0190!
Manufacturing company located in Carson is looking to hire assemblers on their 2nd shift.
The associate will start on first shift until well trained and then will transition to second shift 2nd Shift hours: 2pm – 10 pm
Must be able to train in the mornings- 8:30amMonday - Friday Responsibilities
Reviews work order, walks through parts aisles with a shopping cart and picks the parts needed.Picks up packaging (box or bag, etc.) required for order.Walks back to workstation and assembles boxes in preparation for packing parts.Places boxes or bags on the counter to be ready for packing.Fills boxes and/or bags with parts sequentially as required by order, visually inspecting each part for quality purposes. Heavier items are placed on the bottom and taped into place and lighter items are placed on the top.Tapes/seals boxes to be ready for shipment. Prepares and tapes label as required.Takes boxes/bags to conveyor for shrink wrap purposes.Picks up next work order to be filled.Throughout process, assures that the components are counted, assembled correctly and that the quality of the parts are to specification.