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Cuidado de niños
Cuidado de niños
Houston, TX
hace 3 semanas atrás
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Hola estoy buscando trabajo de cuidar niños tengo experiencia y me gustan mucho los niños estoy disponible de lunes a viernes de 8 a 3
Otros similares
Houston, TX
Buscamos personal para trabajar en labores generales de cuidado de niños, las tareas son las siguientes: -Juegos didacticos-Darle de comer-Bañarlo-Dormir la siesta-Hacer las tareas-entre otras Contamos con diversos turnos laborales, muchos clientes dejan propinas, buena paga semanal y pueden hacer sobretiempos si necesitan de dinero extra.Pueden llamar al numero para ser atendidos. Si envian mensajes de texto, dejen su nombre por favor. Y si responden la publicacion, dejen su numero para ser contactados. Un saludo.
Honest childcare wanted
Honest childcare wanted
El Paso, TX
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]
Lovely childcare needed
Lovely childcare needed
Houston, TX
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]
Hola mucho gusto
Houston, TX
Hola mucho gusto ? ofrezco mi servicio como niñera ,estoy disponible tiempo completo, tengo 22 años ,soy muy cariñosa ,amable ,respetuosa, educada y eficaz, necesito mucho el trabajo ,le agradecería que me escriba al WhatsApp
Babysitter needed
Babysitter needed
Corpus Christi, TX
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]
Truthful babysitter needed
Truthful babysitter needed
San Antonio, TX
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]