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Los Angeles, CA
hace 2 semanas atrás
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✨HAGASE PADRE DE CRIANZA! Abra su corazón y su hogar a Niños que necesitan amor y cuidado.??? ? SE PROVEE APOYO ECONOMICO? NIÑOS LATINOS UNIDOS INC. Lic#197806991 ?(661) 272-2373 ?44285 Lowtree Ave. Lancaster, CA 93534
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i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]
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i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]
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