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Soy niñera
Soy niñera
Los Angeles, CA
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Hola buenas tardes , cuido niños en mi casa , de noche de 9pm en adelante cobro 40 por noche si estás interesada mándeme mensaje por texto oh wasap
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Los Angeles, CA
CUIDO NIŇOS en su casa de lunes a viernes tengo aňos de experiencia con niňos de todas las edades area del sur de los Angeles, contactame...
Honest babysitter needed
Honest babysitter needed
Bakersfield, CA
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact
[email protected]
Los Angeles, CA
Para 1-niño. Tarzana, $30/hora. No Ingles o poco esta bien. 18546 Sherman Way #108, Reseda CA/91335. (818)975-6225.
Hardworking Childcare needed
Hardworking Childcare needed
Merced, CA
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]
Cuido niños
Cuido niños
Los Angeles, CA
Cuido niños sabado y domingo para mas Informacion contacted con Karla
Nanny needed
Nanny needed
Fresno, CA
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]
$ 40