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Los Angeles, CA
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Experience childcare wanted
Experience childcare wanted
Sacramento, CA
I'm looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me 619 796 5477
Soy niñera
Soy niñera
Los Angeles, CA
Hola buenas tardes , cuido niños en mi casa , de noche de 9pm en adelante cobro 40 por noche si estás interesada mándeme mensaje por texto oh wasap
Lovely babysitter needed
Lovely babysitter needed
Chico, CA
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact
[email protected]
Los Angeles, CA
✨HAGASE PADRE DE CRIANZA! Abra su corazón y su hogar a Niños que necesitan amor y cuidado.??? ? SE PROVEE APOYO ECONOMICO? NIÑOS LATINOS UNIDOS INC. Lic#197806991 ?(661) 272-2373 ?44285 Lowtree Ave. Lancaster, CA 93534
Especialista en Desarrollo Infantil II (Hablante de Español)
San Diego, CA
Impacta Vidas, Impacta la Comunidad
Lovely nanny needed
Lovely nanny needed
El Centro, CA
i am looking for a reliable and hard-working babysitter/nanny to watch my daughter, Gold on Monday — Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm on a long term basis. She is two years and three months old. The duties of the babysitter include feeding, bathing, changing of diaper and clothes when dirty, light cooking and laundry. I am looking for a someone who is caring, a non-smoker and has toddler's experience. Any interested applicant should contact me
[email protected]